George Walkden

Talks marked with * are (as yet) unpublished work.

Invited talks

  • Walkden, George. 2024*. Implicational universals, probabilities and grammar competition. Paper presented at the Workshop on Understanding Grammar Change, University of Edinburgh, June 2024.
  • Walkden, George. 2024*. Adult language acquisition and syntactic change. Paper presented at ComSyn, Leiden University, May 2024.
  • Walkden, George. 2024*. Partial null subjects and D in early Germanic. Paper presented at the Colloquium on Moderne Entwicklungen der historischen Linguistik, Jena/Göttingen/Bochum (online), January 2024.
  • Walkden, George. 2024. Rich agreement and verb movement in the history of English revisited. Paper presented at the University of Aarhus, January 2024.
  • Walkden, George. 2024*. Adult language acquisition and syntactic change. Paper presented at the University of Aarhus, January 2024.
  • Walkden, George. 2023*. Partial null subjects and D in early Germanic. Paper presented at New Trends in Language Variation, Padua (online), December 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023*. Partial null subjects and D in early Germanic. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Diachrony of Pronominal Subjects, Oxford, December 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023*. Adult language acquisition and syntactic change. Paper presented at the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC) colloquium, November 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023*. Adult language acquisition and change. Paper presented at the 23rd International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS), Paris, July 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023. V2 and V3 in Estonian. Paper presented at the workshop V2, or not V2, that is the question: On verb placement in interrogatives, Bayonne, June 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2022*. Third factors in L2 acquisition and change. Paper presented at the Workshop on Third Factors in Language Variation and Change, Nijmegen, March 2022.
  • Walkden, George. 2021. An adjectival article in early West Germanic? Paper presented at the Jena-Göttingen Germanic Linguistics Colloquium (online), November 2021. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2021*. The diachrony of hypotaxis and parataxis. Paper presented at the DCLS Colloquium, Zurich, November 2021. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2021. Complexity as L2-difficulty: sociohistorically responsive features in syntactic change. Paper presented at the University of Mannheim (online), September 2021.
  • Walkden, George. 2021*. Linguistic forecasting. Paper presented at the Originalitätsverdacht Symposium, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hanover, September 2021.
  • Walkden, George. 2021. Parataxis and hypotaxis in the history of English. Paper presented at the 21st International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Leiden (online), June 2021. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2021*. The diachrony of hypotaxis and parataxis. Paper presented at Stony Brook University (online), April 2021. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2021. Complexity as L2-difficulty: sociohistorically responsive features in syntactic change. Paper presented at the University of Geneva (online), March 2021.
  • Eckardt, Regine, & George Walkden. 2021. Syntax and semantics of hwæþer-questions in Old English. Paper presented at the Workshop on Biased Questions, Berlin, February 2021. (GW not present for talk.)
  • Walkden, George. 2021. Complexity as L2-difficulty: sociohistorically responsive features in syntactic change. Paper presented at the Institute of Phonetics and Speech Processing, LMU, Munich (online), February 2021.
  • Walkden, George. 2020. Complexity as L2-difficulty: sociohistorically responsive features in syntactic change. Paper presented at the Institute of English Philology, LMU, Munich (online), December 2020.
  • Walkden, George. 2020*. Can we predict future language changes? Paper presented at Discovering Linguistics - Linguistic Discoveries, Ghent (online), November 2020.
  • Walkden, George. 2020. An adjectival article in West Germanic? Paper presented at the Workshop on Noun Phrases in Early Germanic Languages (NPEGL), Wuppertal (online), October 2020.
  • Walkden, George. 2020. Complexity as L2-difficulty: sociohistorically responsive features in syntactic change. Paper presented at QMUL, February 2020.
  • Kinn, Kari, & George Walkden. 2020. Exploring Norn from a heritage language perspective. Paper presented at the Workshop on Medieval English in a Multilingual Context, Cardiff, January 2020. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2019*. Parataxis and hypotaxis: formal and empirical perspectives. Paper presented at the Dahlem Lectures in Linguistics, Freie Universität Berlin, December 2019. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2019. Complexity as L2-difficulty: sociohistorically responsive features in syntactic change. Paper presented at the Wiener Sprachgesellschaft, University of Vienna, November 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2019. Language contact in early English. Paper presented at the University of Tartu, October 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2019*. Detecting syntactic change and stability. Paper presented at the Workshop on Statistics in historical corpus linguistics, Maynooth, October 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2019*. Corpus comparability: some challenges. Paper presented at the Workshop on Creating annotated corpora for historical languages, Cambridge, September 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2019*. Prosody and syntax in the earliest Germanic. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), Bremen, March 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2019. Against mechanisms: towards a minimal theory of change. Paper presented at Whither Reanalysis?, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, March 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2019*. Parataxis and hypotaxis: formal and empirical perspectives. Paper presented at ConSOLE XXVII, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, February 2019. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2019*. Proto-Indo-European: a language without Merge? Paper presented at the University of Oslo, January 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2019. Rich agreement and the stability of V2 in early English: some problems. Paper presented at the Traces of History Workshop on Secrets of Success, Oslo, January 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2018. Scandinavians and verb-second in Northumbrian Old English. Paper presented at the 40th Symposium on Old English, Middle English and Historical Linguistics in the Low Countries, Leiden, 2018. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2018*. Proto-Indo-European: a language without Merge? Paper presented at the University of Tübingen, November 2018.
  • Walkden, George. 2018*. Preposition stranding in Early West Germanic. Paper presented at the University of Trento, October 2018.
  • Walkden, George. 2018*. Proto-Indo-European: a language without Merge? Paper presented at the University of Aarhus, October 2018.
  • Walkden, George. 2018. Scandinavians and verb-second in Northumbrian Old English. Paper presented at the University of Aarhus, October 2018.
  • Walkden, George. 2018. Scandinavians and verb-second in Northumbrian Old English. Paper presented at the Gersum Conference, Cambridge, September 2018. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2018. In defence of the information-structural approach to V3 in Germanic. Paper presented at the Wuppertaler Linguistisches Forum, July 2018.
  • Walkden, George. 2018*. Proto-Indo-European: a language without Merge? Paper presented at the Workshop on Syntax and Reconstruction at the 20th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, York, June 2018. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2018*. Proto-Indo-European: a language without Merge? Paper presented at the 7th Cambridge Comparative Syntax Conference (CamCoS), May 2018.
  • Walkden, George. 2018. In defence of the information-structural approach to V3 in Germanic. Paper presented at the Workshop on Information Structure & Language Change, Caen, April 2018.
  • Walkden, George. 2017*. Preposition stranding in Early West Germanic. Paper presented at the LinG Colloquium, Göttingen, November 2017.
  • Walkden, George. 2017. The origins of verb-second in Northumbrian Old English. Paper presented at the Seminar on Old English, Logroño, October 2017.
  • Vihman, Virve, & George Walkden. 2017. V3 in Estonian. Paper presented at the Workshop on V3 and Resumptive Adverbials, Gent, October 2017.
  • Breitbarth, Anne, George Walkden & Sheila Watts. 2017. Parsing-Entscheidungen im CHLG. Paper presented at the Workshop on Referenzkorpora des Deutschen, Rauischholzhausen, September 2017.
  • Walkden, George. 2016*. A semantic solution to the progressive passive puzzle. Paper presented at the 1st DAAD Workshop on Morphosyntactic Change through Corpora in German and Beyond, Cambridge, September 2016.
  • Walkden, George. 2016. The diachrony of embedded V2 in Germanic. Paper presented at the Second Workshop on Traces of History, Ullershov, June 2016.
  • Walkden, George. 2016. The diachrony of embedded V2 in Germanic. Paper presented at the Workshop on Rethinking Verb-Second, Cambridge, March 2016.
  • Walkden, George. 2015. Subject omission in Old English and Chinese. Paper presented at Shandong University, Beijing Languages & Cultures University and East China University of Science and Technology, December 2015.
  • Walkden, George. 2015. The nominal domain in Old Saxon. Paper presented at the Workshop on Noun Phrases in Early Germanic, Oslo, September 2015. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2015*. Relative clauses and preposition stranding in early Germanic. Paper presented at the Relative Clause Colloquium, Frankfurt, June 2015.
  • Morrison, Donald Alasdair, & George Walkden. 2015. Regional variation in Jespersen's Cycle in Early Middle English. Paper presented at the Symposium on the History of English Syntax, Leiden, May 2015.
  • Walkden, George. 2015. Language contact and the loss of strict V2. Paper presented at Traces of History, Oslo, March 2015. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2015*. 'Fashionably late' finite verbs in Old English. Paper presented at the Philological Society, Wolfson College, Oxford, March 2015. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2014*. The whether forecast: English embedded questions then and now. Paper presented at the Edinburgh Linguistic Circle, November 2014.
  • Walkden, George. 2014*. The whether forecast: English embedded questions then and now. Paper presented at the Lancaster Linguistics Circle, November 2014.
  • Walkden, George. 2013. Complexity as L2-difficulty: implications for syntactic change. Paper presented at the University of Cambridge Linguistics Forum, November 2013. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2012*. Why language change is not (language) evolution. Plenary presented at the Manchester-Salford New Researchers Forum in Linguistics, November 2012. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2012. Tying up syntactic loose ends: hwæt/huat-clauses in Old English and Old Saxon. Paper presented at the University of Westminster, October 2012.
  • Walkden, George. 2012. Object position and Heavy NP Shift in Old Saxon and beyond. Paper presented at the 2nd Workshop on Information Structure Annotation in Historical Corpora, Oslo, June 2012.
  • Walkden, George. 2011. Syntactic reconstruction and null arguments in early Germanic. Paper presented at the Institute for Linguistics and Language Studies Seminar, University of Manchester, October 2011.
  • Walkden, George. 2011. Verb-third in early West Germanic: a comparative perspective. Paper presented at the 1st Workshop on Information Structure Annotation in Historical Corpora, Oslo, January 2011.
  • Walkden, George. 2010. Tying up syntactic loose ends: hwæt/huat-clauses in Old English and Old Saxon. Talk given at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, December 2010. [handout]
  • Walkden, George. 2010. Verb-third in Old English: a comparative perspective. Paper presented at the Symposium on the History of English Syntax, York, May 2010. [handout]

Peer-reviewed conference presentations

  • Bögel, Tina, Chiara Riegger & George Walkden. 2023*. The prosody of the prefix ge- in (Early) West Germanic. Paper presented at the Forum for Germanic Language Studies, Cambridge, April 2024. (GW not present for talk.)
  • Bögel, Tina, Chiara Riegger & George Walkden. 2023*. The prosody of the Old English prefix ge-. Paper presented at the Sixth Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology, Edinburgh, December 2023. (GW not present for talk.)
  • Björnsdóttir, Sigríður, Lisa Gotthard, Chiara Riegger & George Walkden. 2023*. The rise of raising in Early Modern English. Paper presented at the 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL), Heidelberg, September 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023*. Sociolinguistic typology beyond morphology. Paper presented at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB) Annual Conference, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, August-September 2023.
  • Björnsdóttir, Sigríður, Lisa Gotthard, Chiara Riegger & George Walkden. 2023*. Raising out of control. Presented in poster form at the 23rd International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Paris, July 2023.
  • Hartmann, Frederik, & George Walkden. 2022*. Syntax vs. phonology in language relatedness. Paper presented at the Angus McIntosh Symposium on Historical Linguistics, December 2022. (GW not present for talk.)
  • McCarley, Gemma, Raquel Montero, Molly Rolf, Sarah Einhaus, Henri Kauhanen & George Walkden. 2022. Sociolinguistic typology meets historical corpus linguistics. Paper presented at the 25th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Oxford, August 2022.
  • Walkden, George. 2022. Sources for question particles. Paper presented at the 23rd International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS), New York University (online), June 2022. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2022*. The Struggles of Young English: HEL as Bildungsroman. Paper presented at the Once and Future English, London, March 2022.
  • Pfaff, Alexander, & George Walkden. 2022. Relic syntax and dialectal comparison: the adjectival article in early West Germanic. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), February 2022.
  • Eckardt, Regine, & George Walkden. 2021. Grammaticalization of whether: Stages from wh-pronoun to question complementizer. Paper presented at Formal Diachronic Semantics 6, Cologne (online), September 2021. (GW not present for talk.)
  • Kinn, Kari, & George Walkden. 2021. Investigating historical heritage languages: possessives in Norn. Paper presented at the RUEG Conference - Dynamics of Language Contact, Berlin (online), February 2021. [slides]
  • Eckardt, Regine, & George Walkden. 2020. Syntax and semantics of hwæþer-questions in Old English. Paper presented at the International Workshop on Discourse Particles, University of the Basque Country (online), October 2020. [slides]
  • Kinn, Kari, & George Walkden. 2020. Exploring Norn from a heritage language perspective. Paper presented at the Forum for Germanic Language Studies (FGLS), Bristol, January 2020.
  • Kauhanen, Henri, & George Walkden. 2019. When is a constant rate truly constant? A Monte Carlo power analysis of the logistic operationalization of Constant Rate Effects. Paper presented at the Symposium on Representations, Usage and Social Embedding in Language Change (RUSE), August 2019.
  • Kauhanen, Henri, & George Walkden. 2019. Detecting constant rates of change in language: an a priori Monte Carlo power analysis. Presented in poster form at the 5th International Conference on Computational Social Science, Amsterdam, July 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2018*. Preposition stranding in early West Germanic. Paper presented at the Forum for Germanic Language Studies (FGLS), Edinburgh, January 2018. [handout]
  • Kauhanen, Henri, & George Walkden. 2017. Parsing advantage as the determinant of change and stability? Some problems of the variational model of language change. Paper presented at Triggers of Change in the Language Sciences (XLanS), Lyon, October 2017.
  • Walkden, George. 2017*. Early Germanic preposition stranding revisited. Paper presented at the 32nd Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, Trondheim, September 2017. [handout]
  • Vihman, Virve, & George Walkden. 2017. Exceptions to V2 in Estonian (and Kiezdeutsch). Paper presented at the SLE Annual Meeting, Zürich, September 2017.
  • Walkden, George. 2017*. Early Germanic preposition stranding revisited. Paper presented at the 19th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Stellenbosch, September 2017.
  • Walkden, George. 2016*. The Person-Case Constraint in Old English. Presented in poster form at the 31st Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, Stellenbosch, December 2016. [poster]
  • Vihman, Virve, & George Walkden. 2016. Germanic syntax beyond Germanic? V2 ‘violations’ in Estonian and in Kiezdeutsch. Paper presented at the 31st Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, Stellenbosch, December 2016.
  • Bech, Kristin, Hannah Booth, Kersti Börjars, Tine Breban, Svetlana Petrova & Sheila Watts2016. Modifiers in early Germanic: a comparative corpus study. Paper presented at Grammar and Corpora 2016, Mannheim, November 2016. (GW not present for talk.)
  • Walkden, George. 2016*. A semantic solution to the progressive passive puzzle. Paper presented at the Workshop on Formal Diachronic Semantics, Konstanz, September 2016.
  • Arman, Laura, & George Walkden. 2016*. The Welsh impersonal: towards a middle ground. Paper presented at the Welsh Linguistics Seminar, Gregynog, July 2016. (GW not present for talk.)
  • Kauhanen, Henri, & George Walkden. 2016. A production bias model of the Constant Rate Effect. Paper presented at the 18th International Diachronic Syntax Conference, Ghent, June 2016.
  • Walkden, George. 2016*. Null subjects and null D: evidence from Germanic. Paper presented at the 18th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Ghent, June 2016. [slides]
  • Morrison, Donald Alasdair, & George Walkden. 2016. Regional variation in Jespersen's Cycle in Early Middle English. Paper presented at the Angus Mackintosh Symposium on Historical Dialectology, Edinburgh, June 2016. [slides]
  • Kauhanen, Henri, & George Walkden. 2016. A production bias model of the Constant Rate Effect. Paper presented at New Ways of Analysing Syntactic Variation 2, Ghent, May 2016.
  • Breitbarth, Anne, Melissa Farasyn, George Walkden & Sheila Watts. 2016. The Corpus of Historical Low German: a tagged and parsed corpus of historical Low German. Paper presented at the Workshop on Diachronic Corpora, Genre and Language Change, Nottingham, April 2016.
  • Kauhanen, Henri, & George Walkden. 2016. A production bias model of the Constant Rate Effect. Paper presented at Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) 39, Göttingen, April 2016.
  • Breitbarth, Anne, & George Walkden. 2016. Making the best use of bad data: analysing syntactic change in Middle Low German. Paper presented at the Workshop on Dealing with Bad Data in Linguistic Theory, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, March 2016.
  • Kauhanen, Henri, & George Walkden. 2016. Signal or noise? Biases, interactions and the Constant Rate Effect. Paper presented at the Workshop on Dealing with Bad Data in Linguistic Theory, Meertens Institute, Amsterdam, March 2016.
  • Arman, Laura, & George Walkden. 2015*. The Welsh impersonal: towards a middle ground. Paper presented at the Manchester Forum in Linguistics, November 2015. [slides]
  • Kauhanen, Henri, & George Walkden. 2015. A population dynamic mechanism for the Constant Rate Effect (and beyond). Paper presented at the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Naples, July 2015. [slides]
  • Morrison, Donald Alasdair, & George Walkden. 2014. Regional variation in Jespersen's Cycle in Early Middle English. Paper presented at the Manchester Forum in Linguistics, November 2014.
  • Walkden, George. 2014. The syntax of partial null argument languages: a view from early Northwest Germanic. Presented in poster form at the 29th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop, York, September 2014. [poster]
  • Walkden, George. 2014. Null subjects in Middle English. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Leuven, July 2014. [handout]
  • Walkden, George. 2014. Language contact and the loss of strict V2. Paper presented at the 16th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Budapest, July 2014.
  • Walkden, George. 2014. Extending the typology of partial null argument languages. Paper presented at the Workshop on Understanding Pro-Drop, Trento, June 2014. [handout]
  • Kinn, Kari, Kristian A. Rusten & George Walkden. 2014. Null subjects in early Icelandic. Paper presented at the Workshop on Understanding Pro-Drop, Trento, June 2014.
  • Breitbarth, Anne, & George Walkden. 2014. Die variable Geschwindigkeit von Jespersens Zyklus im Mittelniederdeutschen. Paper presented at the 127th Annual Meeting of the Verein für Niederdeutsche Sprachforschung, Paderborn, June 2014. (GW not present for talk.)
  • Walkden, George, & Anne Breitbarth. 2014. Sociolinguistic typology and syntactic complexity. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS), Marburg, March 2014. [handout]
  • Walkden, George, & Anne Breitbarth. 2014. Sociolinguistic typology, syntactic complexity, and Jespersen's Cycle in Middle Low German. Paper presented at the Forum for Germanic Language Studies (FGLS) 11 (with SGL), Cambridge, January 2014.
  • Walkden, George. 2013*. The Person-Case Constraint in Old English. Paper presented at the Manchester Forum in Linguistics, November 2013. [handout]
  • Salvesen, Christine Meklenborg, & George Walkden. 2013. Diagnosing embedded V2 in Old English and Old French. Paper presented at the 15th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Ottawa, August 2013. (GW not present for talk.)
  • Walkden, George. 2013. Null subjects in Old High German and Old Saxon. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Historical Syntax of German, Bamberg, May 2013. [handout]
  • Thoms, Gary, & George Walkden. 2013. VP preposing without remnant movement. Paper presented at the 2nd Cambridge Comparative Syntax Conference (CamCoS), May 2013.
  • Walkden, George, & Anne Breitbarth. 2013. Sociolinguistic typology and syntactic complexity. Paper presented at the 2nd Cambridge Comparative Syntax Conference (CamCoS), May 2013.
  • Walkden, George. 2012. English VP preposing as resumption. Paper presented at the LAGB Annual Meeting, Salford, September 2012. [handout]
  • Walkden, George. 2012. Object position and Heavy NP Shift in Old Saxon and beyond. Paper presented at the SLE Annual Meeting, Stockholm, August 2012.
  • Walkden, George. 2012. Null subjects in Old English. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Zürich, August 2012.
  • Walkden, George. 2012. Refining the 'null argument cycle': the place of partial null argument languages. Paper presented at the 14th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference, Lisbon, July 2012. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2012. Null subjects in early Northwest Germanic and the challenges of comparing corpora. Paper presented at Exploring Ancient Languages through Corpora, Oslo, June 2012.
  • Walkden, George. 2012. Null subjects in the Lindisfarne Gospels as evidence for syntactic variation in Old English. Paper presented at the Workshop on the Old English Gloss to the Lindisfarne Gospels, Westminster, April 2012. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2012. The syntax of partial null argument languages: a diachronic perspective. Paper presented at Synchrony and diachrony: variation and change in language history, Oxford, March 2012. [slides]
  • Breitbarth, Anne, George Walkden & Sheila Watts. 2012. Building a corpus for Middle Low German: notes and queries. Paper presented at the Forum for Germanic Language Studies (FGLS) 10, Sheffield, January 2012.
  • Walkden, George. 2011. Object position and Heavy NP Shift in Old Saxon and beyond. Paper presented at the Workshop on Information Structure: Empirical Perspectives on Theory, Potsdam, December 2011. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2011. Null arguments in Old English. Paper presented at the LAGB Annual Meeting, Manchester, September 2011. [handout]
  • Walkden, George. 2011. The development of Old English "exclamative" hwæt. Paper presented at the 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, July 2011.
  • Walkden, George. 2011. The correspondence problem in syntactic reconstruction. Paper presented at the Workshop on Syntactic Reconstruction, 20th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Osaka, July 2011. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2011. Tying up syntactic loose ends: hwæt/huat-clauses in Old English and Old Saxon. Paper presented at the 13th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS), Philadelphia, June 2011. [handout]
  • Breitbarth, Anne, George Walkden & Sheila Watts. 2011. A Corpus for Middle Low German. Paper presented at the Workshop on New Methods in Historical Corpora, Manchester, April 2011. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2010. Abduction or inertia? The logic of syntactic change. Paper presented at the Sixth Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics (CamLing), December 2010. [handout]
  • Walkden, George. 2010. The subject-position alternation in early West Germanic. Paper presented at Grammatical Change and the Expression of Subjects (GCES), Regensburg, December 2010.
  • Walkden, George. 2010. Verb-third in early West Germanic: a comparative perspective. Paper presented at the 12th International Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS), Cambridge, July 2010. [handout]
  • Biberauer, Theresa, & George Walkden. 2010*. 231 from A(frikaans) to Z(ürich German): a challenge to the Final-over-Final Constraint? Paper presented at the LAGB Annual Meeting, Leeds, September 2010.
  • Walkden, George. 2010. Verb-third in early West Germanic: a comparative perspective. Paper presented at the LAGB Annual Meeting, Leeds, September 2010.
  • Walkden, George. 2010. Reconstructing the syntax of protolanguages: can syntactic theory inform philology? Paper presented at the 5th Newcastle Postgraduate Conference in Linguistics, 23rd March 2010. [handout]
  • Walkden, George. 2010. Reconstructing the syntax of protolanguages: can syntactic theory inform philology? Presented in poster form at Language, Text and History: Linguistics and Philology in the 21st Century, Cambridge, March 2010. [poster]

Other talks

For talks and training sessions on Open Access, see my page on Open Access.

  • Riegger, Chiara, & George Walkden. 2024*. Spuren von linguistischer Struktur in mittelalterlichen Handschriften. Talk given at the Kolloquium Mittelalter/Frühe Neuzeit, University of Konstanz, April 2024.
  • Walkden, George. 2023*. If vs. whether: embedded polar questions in English. Paper presented at the syntax colloquium, University of Konstanz, November 2023.
  • Björnsdóttir, Sigríður, Lisa Gotthard, Chiara Riegger & George Walkden. 2023*. The rise of raising in Early Modern English. Paper presented at the Sentence Grammar/Discourse Grammar Workshop, Wuppertal, November 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023*. Generative historical syntax. Short paper presented as part of a panel on linguistic models at the 26th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL), Heidelberg, September 2023. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2023. Sources for question particles. Paper presented at the Questions at the Interfaces (FOR 2111) Closing Workshop, Konstanz, June 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023. Sources for question particles. Paper presented at the Angus McIntosh Centre Catchup Sessions, University of Edinburgh, May 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023. Sources for question particles. Paper presented at SyntaxLab, University of Cambridge, May 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023*. Preposition stranding and the structure of the nominal spine. Paper presented at the syntax colloquium, University of Konstanz, April 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2023*. Pronoun-verb agreement and its consequences. Paper presented at the syntax colloquium, University of Konstanz, January 2023.
  • Walkden, George. 2022. From questions in syntax to questions in discourse: Old English hwæþer. Paper presented at the Sentence Grammar/Discourse Grammar Workshop, Tübingen, July 2022.
  • Walkden, George. 2021. The diachrony of question particles. Paper presented at the University of Konstanz Linguistics Research Colloquium, June 2021.
  • Walkden, George. 2020*. Linguistics between theory, method and philology. Paper presented at the Seminar on Teaching Linguistics in the 2020s, University of Tartu, November 2020.
  • Walkden, George. 2019. Syntactic reconstruction: null subjects and verb movement in early Germanic. Paper presented in the Seminar on Indo-European Syntax, University of Vienna, November 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2019*. Studentsourcing annotation for Early Modern English. Presented in poster form at the Workshop on Annotation of Non-Standard Corpora, Bamberg, September 2019. [poster]
  • Walkden, George. 2019*. Parataxis and hypotaxis: formal and empirical perspectives. Paper presented at the University of Konstanz Linguistics Research Colloquium, May 2019.
  • Walkden, George. 2018. The force of Old English hwæþer-questions. Presented in poster form at the Workshop on Meaning in Questions (MiQ), Konstanz, June 2018. [poster]
  • Walkden, George. 2018*. English: the black sheep of the Germanic family? Inaugural lecture at the University of Konstanz, April 2018. [watch online]
  • Walkden, George. 2017*. Predicting language change. Speed talk given as part of the panel on "The Hardest Problems, The Boldest Solutions" at Triggers of Change in the Language Sciences (XLanS), Lyon, October 2017. [slides]
  • Kauhanen, Henri, & George Walkden. 2015. Deriving the Constant Rate Effect in language change. Paper presented at the Manchester Friday Complexity Seminar, November 2015.
  • de Haas, Nynke, & George Walkden. 2014*. Early English dialect morphosyntax: workshop introduction. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, Leuven, July 2014.
  • Walkden, George. 2014. Hwæt? Old English outbursts aren't riddles. Talk given at Reflections on Language, University of Manchester, May 2014.
  • Walkden, George. 2013. Verb-late clauses in Old English. Talk given at Langwidge Sandwidge, University of Manchester, April 2013. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2012. English VP fronting and the syntax of Yoda. Talk given at LinguistMix, University of Manchester, November 2012. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2011*. The parameter is dead. Long live the parameter? Commentary on Anders Holmberg & Ian Roberts, Linguistic variation in a Minimalist perspective, at The Past & Future of Universal Grammar, Durham, December 2011.
  • Walkden, George. 2011. Old English hwæt. Pecha kucha talk given at the LAGB Annual Meeting, Manchester, September 2011.
  • Walkden, George. 2011*. FOFC, West Germanic and intervention. Talk given at SyntaxLab, University of Cambridge, January 2011.
  • Walkden, George. 2011. Tying up syntactic loose ends: hwæt/huat-clauses in Old English and Old Saxon. Paper presented at the Workshop on Methods in Historical Linguistics, Cambridge, January 2011.
  • Walkden, George. 2010. Verb-third in early West Germanic and the Inertial Theory. Talk given at SyntaxLab, University of Cambridge, June 2010.
  • Walkden, George. 2009. Syntactic reconstruction as lexical reconstruction: V2 in Proto-Germanic. Pecha kucha talk given at the 3rd Summer School in Historical Sociolinguistics, Lesbos, Greece, August 2009. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2009*. Word order and functional features in West Flemish verb clusters. Speed paper presented at the 14th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference, Cambridge, 13th July 2009. [slides]
  • Walkden, George. 2009*. The Final-over-Final Constraint and West Flemish verb clusters. Talk given at the University of Cambridge, 12th March 2009. [slides]
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